The Story Of Sol

“Change happens through movement + movement heals.” Joseph Pilates.

Joseph Pilates was a quirky guy: he liked whiskey + cigars + had a penchant for wearing tiny white shorts + staging gladiator tussles. He was also a prolific inventor + developed a range of exercise apparatus designed specifically for in-home use. The Pilates system of physical conditioning - or to use its original name, ‘Contrology’ - was adopted early on by dancers + athletes, + today it enjoys worldwide popularity in both fitness + clinical settings. 

Joseph Pilates was a sickly child + suffered from various ailments including asthma, rickets + rheumatic fever. This made him an easy target for local bullies + he lost sight in one eye after a stone wielding attack. Despite his physical disadvantages, Pilates was determined to rise above the hand he had been dealt, educating himself in anatomy + animal movements, + building his body through the practice of martial arts, gymnastics, boxing + wrestling. He took particular interest in the ancient Classic Greek ideal of a man who was balanced equally in body, mind + spirit. Pilates transformed himself through physical conditioning. By 14, he had achieved an almost Adonis-like physique + started posing for anatomical charts. No mean accomplishment, given his difficult early years!

While my own journey to Pilates doesn’t follow quite the same epic Rocky-esque script, there is no doubt that its influence on my life has been profound. And not just in a physical sense; the Pilates Method is a holistic approach to whole body health + wellbeing, + has given me valuable tools to better navigate life’s challenges.

Movement has always been a part of my life. Growing up, I was involved in various sports. Netball + tennis saw me through my primary years + into high school, while cricket occupied my time from grades 8 to 10. In my mid-teens, yoga become a weekly mum + daughter activity that evolved into a personal practice that continued for a number of years. As tends to happen, life got in the way, + my practice petered out. Fast forward several years + the only physical activity I was involved in took the form of hospitality work. However, industry-standard workbench heights + my tall stature wasn’t a good mix, + I  spend a few years of my twenties in the grip of chronic back pain. In search of relief, I stumbled upon the magic hands of Remedial Massage Therapist, Sarah Watson (now boss lady!), who ironed me out each fortnight. The pain left - but only temporarily - + one day Sarah broke to me the cold hard truth: “You need to build your core strength to support your back.” It takes two to tango + I needed to take responsibly for my body + do something to break out of the daily movement patterns I’d become stuck in. Upon Sarah’s suggestion, I signed up to a Pilates class. There was mat-based studio a few blocks away from my house + - serendipitously - a friend of mine was teaching there. After the first class I was hooked + I knew that Pilates was the way forward. I went on to complete my Polestar Pilates Matwork certificate + soon afterwards, Sol Space was born. 

The physical benefits of Pilates, while valuable + potentially life-changing, are not my prime motivation for pursuing the practice. In developing his system, Joseph Pilates emphasised its ultimate aim in uniting mind, body + spirit. It’s not just about ‘going for the burn,’ it’s about how you feel on all levels; physically, mentally + beyond. Pilates is a mindful practice which offers the willing student precious moments of self-reflection + an opportunity for self-improvement. What you learn in class can be used outside the studio.

As Sol Space continues to evolve, so too does my teaching style. Joseph Pilates’ original work gives instructors a valuable starting point from which we can build upon, informed by the latest research in movement + communication science. I’m particularly interested in the ‘mindful’ aspect of the practice, so much so that I’m currently completing a certificate in Meditation Teacher Training. I’m excited to be able to bring this extra element into my classes in the not-too-distant future.

So! That’s the story of Sol Space! Here’s to the power of Pilates, to moving well + to living life with - in the words of great man himself - ‘spontaneous zest + pleasure!’