Sol For The Mind: Relaxation Exercise

Here is a short breathing meditation that can be used in times of stress, to get out of your head + into your body.

Start by lying down on your back, legs straight or knees bent. Arms by your sides, palms facing up to open your chest. Take a few moments here to get comfortable + settle into the space + into your body. 

Soften your gaze or - if you feel okay to do so - close your eyes. Feel the back your pelvis, back of your ribs + back of your head heavy into the floor.  Let go of any tension, feel your muscles softening + releasing.

Draw your attention to your breath. Inhaling + exhaling. Feel the breath flowing in + flowing out. As you inhale, your diaphragm descends, your lungs fill, + your belly rises. Then, as you exhale, your diaphragm ascends, your lungs empty + your belly falls. As you continue to breathe in this way, observe a the full cycle of your breath, as it makes its way through your nose, down the back of your throat + into your lungs, then makes its way back out of your throat + out of your nose or mouth. Allow yourself to be with the wave-like flow of breath in + out of your body... tuning into the physical sensation of your breath, feeling your whole body breathe. In + out.

If your mind starts to wander - + it will - gently bring your attention back to your breath, to its natural flow in + out. Your belly rising + falling. 

Your breath is an anchor to your body + you can come back to it at any time. 

Continue with this practice for a few minutes longer, observing your breath.

Then, when you are ready, invite a little movement back into your body; perhaps a wiggle of the toes, fingers, a rock of the hips... take any gentle stretches that you’d like to take, before coming out of the meditation in your own time.