Wellness Trends for 2019

In a former life, I was a cook. Part of the job was keeping up to date with the latest trends in the health food + wellness industry. It’s a colourful + fast moving world. Only a short time ago, ‘keenwa’ was phonetically spelt out on packaging labels; now it’s a ubiquitous culinary ingredient, frequenting the menus of even the most no-frills of brunch spots. In recent years we’ve picked up the pace, scouring the ends of the earth to exploit the latest ‘ancient superfood’ which promises to detox, cleanse...purge, rid...remove all perceived negative influences of modern life.   

I’m being cynical + hyperbolic, I know. It’s unlike me. However, when I see a menu littered with activated charcoal-everything, I sigh + start to wonder where it all went wrong...

Even ‘self-care’ has taken a backwards turn, as we start to fret about not having a perfectly curated meditation-before-lemon-water-dry-brushing-gratitude-journalling-forest-bathing-digital-detoxing wellness ritual executed before 7am. We’re stressed about being stressed. We’re tired of being tired. We turn to the perfectly-posed world of Instaland for ‘inspo’ + ‘fitspo’ but just end up feeling more inadequate, more miserable...

Wow. Got lost in a downward-spiral of angst there for sec. Let’s turn this thing around!

My negative tone is intended only to give contrast to the predicted (+ unexpected, but oh-so welcome) wellness trends of 2019. Many see 2019 as a return to simplicity, a ‘back to basics’ approach to life; a decluttering + refocusing on the foundations of a healthy lifestyle - drinking water, eating whole foods, getting adequate sleep, spending time with friends + loved ones... a tuning into who we really are + what we really need... a celebration of introspection + exploration of true Self.

It really is the simple, day-to-day things that have the most impact in our lives. Movement is no different. To give an example, a few days ago I enrolled in a forty hour online course. I wanted to complete the course as soon as possible + so dedicated two full days - plus a couple of half days - to getting it done. The half days were no problem, but after the first full day, I felt wretched. I was tired, sore, grumpy + definitely not good company. On the second full day, I decided to do something different; after every thirty minutes I took a break. I got up, moved (foundational stretches + mobility exercises), refilled my water glass + then continued on with study. It was a mere five minute break every half hour, yet I noticed that at the end of the day, I wasn’t ‘wrecked’. My body felt fine, my mind was clear + capable. It was a simple, but effective routine. 

Occasionally, I indulge in a little nostalgia + think back to when my grandparents were alive. Each evening, my grandmother would diligently set the table for breakfast the next day. Fresh, unhomogenised milk was stored in a large glass bottle in the fridge. My grandparents grew fruit + veggies + made their own soap. It was a frugal + purpose-driven life. Perhaps I’m romanticising a bit, in the way that we tend to do when reflecting on our childhood... Lately, however, I’ve been quietly, gradually implementing some of my grandparents’ wisdom into my daily life. Easy things, like making my bed in the morning, washing dishes (without fail!) before turning in for the night + selecting my outfit for next day. I have found great comfort + stability in adopting a simple, but meticulous routine. 

It doesn’t need to be complicated. It doesn’t have to cost you money. It requires thought + pre-planning. And a little effort. 

So! As 2018 draws to a close + we begin to reflect on the year that was + make our intentions for 2019, perhaps we may consider lightening our load a little, listening to our body’s innate wisdom + looking inwards - rather than outwards - for solutions to problems. No credit card or wellness guru required. 

Julia x