Real Talk

In a recent Saturday class, a new student joined us on the mat. I’m always excited when someone new finds us + took extra time to welcome + orientate them in the space, making sure they were comfy + settled before introducing everybody,* + then moving on with the class. It was an energising + fun session, + as usual, we ended with some precious (+ well-deserved!) moments of stretching + relaxation. Afterwards, I had a few admin bits + bobs to attend to so busied myself while my students mingled. Although I was somewhat distracted with the task at hand, I did catch what was going on at the other side of the classroom. My Saturday regulars were excitedly chatting to the ‘newbie’: “We’re here every Saturday, rain or shine! We love it! Will we see you next week??” And - OH MY GOSH! - I had a ‘proud mother’ moment (I hope that doesn’t come across as condescending 😳 ) These are genuinely lovely, caring people who went out of their way to make a new person feel so welcome + accepted! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! I’m thrilled + so humbled that, in some small way, I have helped create this safe, nurturing space in which wonderful humans come to learn, explore, connect + move!

I’m just starting out on my business journey + am constantly bombarbed with marketing advice, ‘You need to define your target market!’ ‘Identify your unique selling position!’ ‘Build a demographic profile!’ While I’m sure this works for many people, part of me just dies a little bit when I read it. The wonderful Steph Bartlett gave me some advice that warmed my heart: ‘Just be yourself + your people will find you.” Gosh, darn, ain’t that the truth?! If I think about the real humans who actually come to class - not just the ‘likers’ + followers in Instaland - they are definitely ‘my people’. I frequently pinch myself because I feel so fortunate that they have found me + enjoy coming to class each week.

Here is a little bit more about me + why Sol Space is a place for people like you (yes, YOU!):

I’m genuinely interested in you + your story: ✨
I enjoy learning about my students + what they do. I have witnessed some big changes in my students’ lives recently; I am so happy + proud that they value themselves enough to make positive (albeit difficult) decisions + then follow through with real action. I also respect that not everybody wants a deep + meaningful conversation post-class (but I have a sneaking suspicion that the ‘me time’ they just spent on the mat will help them to overcome any challenges they may be currently facing.) Also, from a body perspective, this knowlege helps me to better tailor each class to what students want + need (lots of hip opening exercises lately!)

I believe that movement is powerful + transformative + has the capacity to heal: ✨
I have found this to be true in my own life + have seen it play out in the lives of others. A mindful movement practice gives students the time + space to detach from the distractions + stresses of everyday life + connect to a deeper part of themselves. I know that for some this may come off as lofty + woo-woo, but research continues to support exercise as a ‘magical pill’ of sorts, key to maintaining + improving our mental + physical health.

I believe that good things happen outside of comfort zones: ✨
If we only do what we’ve always done - + are comfortable with - we will never improve. Apparently, I have somewhat of a reputation for teaching a challenging class (?!) While I do think comfort zones need to be tested, I cue sensitively + mindfully, to ensure students keep themselves safe. We work to build strength, endurance, mobility, coordination + balance, but to do so successfully requires students to know + work within their physical limits.

I love what I do! ✨
Seeing students progress (it’s rarely a straight road, but persistence pays off!) brings me so much joy. I love to move + the fact that I get to share my passion with others keeps me motivated, inspired, humbled + eternally grateful. Thank YOU!

If you would like to experience the transformative power of movement in a safe + welcoming space, head here:

*why don’t more studios do this? I think it’s - not only good manners - but so important in an increasingly disconnected, lonely world to at least introduce people!