What Makes Sol Space Different?

Recently, I was at an extended family gathering + small talk led to the inevitable question: “So, what do you do?”

The conversation went a little like this:

“I teach Pilates!”

“Oh right! Like, KX Pilates?”

“Umm, no, not exactly...”

‘Pilates’ means different things to different people. Indeed, the modern approach to + application of the Method is varied, + each school has its own take on Joseph Pilates’ original work. Often, there are outside influences, eg. Feldenkrais, the Franklin method, manual therapy, etc. There are also fusion-style classes that incorporate Pilates Principles into other movement practices, such as barre + yoga.

For simplicity’s sake, I like to broadly categorise Pilates as:
- mat-based 
- group reformer
- large equipment (often clinical/rehab-based)

At Sol Space, I teach mat-based Pilates. Why? Mat is the foundation of the work. While I’ve dabbled in equipment-based Pilates, I always return to mat. I like the flow + the challenge; I like its simplicity + portability. My classes emphasise Joseph Pilates’ intention for his method as a means to holistic health (“the complete coordination of between mind, body + spirit.”) It’s not just about ‘going for the burn;’ it’s about how you feel on all levels; physically, mentally, emotionally + beyond. This approach allows each student to explore + connect more deeply to the work + to themselves; a moving meditation.

I think it is important, more so now than ever, to acknowledge ourselves as whole beings + to nourish ourselves physically, mentally + spiritually. Of course, this will mean different things to different people, however, my motivation behind Sol Space is to offer students an opportunity for ‘connection’ (whatever that means to you.)

The original name for my business was actually ‘Solace Space’ + - while I eventually dropped the ‘ace’ - my intention to provide a refuge from the overwhelm of modern life, remains.

If you find yourself in need of safe space in which to unwind, explore + connect, I invite you to join me for a mindful movement experience!