The Weird Rituals of Pilates Instructors

Really, you could include yoga instructors in that, too, because we’re all a bit weird....uhh, ‘quirky?’ 

So I‘ve got this - what I considered to be - weird pre-class ritual where I arrive (frightfully) early, clean, vacuum, mop & set up the space. So far, so normal... but there are some unusual details that go along with this. 

Firstly, it’s absolutely necessary that I have my headphones in & listen to music while I’m setting up the space. It has to the be - not only - the same artist, but the same album playlist. And it’s not the panpipe soundtrack you’d assume instructors were listening to before channeling their zen-state at the start of class… quite the opposite, in fact. Even though the music is energetic & the volume loud (I should know better as a former sound producer) there is the comfort of familiarity which I crave before teaching. 

The other peculiarity about my pre-class ritual is that I have to set up my mat last. It’s imperative that students’ mats & small apparatus are organised first. Attention is given to symmetry, alignment + space between the mats (which, now that I think about it, sounds about right for a Pilates instructor who spends their time observing the shapes students are making in the classroom.)

How the mats are set up is dependant on the number of students in the class + also the exercises I have planned for the session. While I have a structure for each + every class, I allow myself the flexibility to mix, change + modify according who am I teaching, any injuries or requested areas of focus, plus the general energy level of students on the day. I have attended classes myself where the planned exercises don’t suit the space - resulting in students being more concerned about smacking each other in the face, than they are about performing a given movement - so I take great care in considering this (very important) detail. 

I then run through a - very -  sped up version of the class (this must be quite amusing to observe, I imagine!), to make sure it’s in my front of mind, + then... I open the studio door. 

This elaborate set up procedure must be done alone, without disturbance. Doing so gets me focussed, calm + balanced.

I used to think I was exceptional in my pre-class ritual, however in conversation with my colleagues, I realise that this isn’t the case! We all have our unique process for the physical preparation of the space + our own mental/emotion prep work to go through before class. 

So! I’m keen to hear from other movement teachers: what is your pre-class ritual?